Ci sono momenti in cui il destino ti chiama e quando il mio boss ha lasciato cadere sulla scrivania l’invito per la mostra della Westwood a Milano, la mia mente ha subito cominciato a fantasticare. Leggere il testo dell’invito e’ stato ancor piu’ una chiamata alle armi, di fatti la regione e una fantomatica spa, la quintessentially, invitano la milano da bere a non sprecare il tempo, una risorsa sempre piu’ esclusiva e ad affidare a loro la gestione di quei piccoli problemi pratici che ci assillano tutto il tempo, come ad esempio trovare una tata o la palestra migliore in citta’, prenotare un jet privato o trovare la giusta location per i party piu’ esclusivi. Fortuna che la regione non ha accennato a quali soluzioni sta attuando per toglierci dagli impicci…
Questa gente si merita solo merda! Ed e’ cosi’ che armati di determinazione, con la collaborazione del buon Citto giunto trafelato da Feltre e con la signora Blanca , che ha gia’ mirabilemte postato un bel report, abbiamo portato alla Westwood, come a Sgarbi e alla Maiolo, quello che si meritano.
Inutile dire che i cacca cookie hanno riscosso un grandissimo successo. Qui la preparazione e le reazioni.
Va riconosciuto nei credits il ruolo di megabug per gli effetti speciali.
» Qui la preparazione e le reazioni.
Non funziona il link, o manca il .mp4?
ho tolto il file compresso a manetta per apporggiarmi a ngv. cosi’ si vede meglio.
quel che si dice merda d’artista..
insieme ai “brownieshit” suggerisco uno scopino-stuzzicadente. questa gente dovrebbe almeno imparare a pulire dopo tanta m….
…viva pasolini..che in 120 giornate di sodoma,
diede gli stessi dolcetti agli attori, però,disgustosamente dolcissimi…bravi bravi bravi
Ma i cookie alla merda li hai portati anche alla fabbrica del vapore, per conto di Cabassi?
Last night was the second episode of the second season of the Comedy Central series “The Sara Silverman Show”. The show concerns the ‘politically incorrect’ complications of s trust-fund Jewish American Princess. In terms of the mainstream American sensibility, it ‘pushes the envelope of taste’. Sarah Silverman has been compared to Lenny Bruce (and obviously who ever made that comparison never really listened to Bruce). Today, someone called me up and asked me my reaction to her ‘blackface’ routine on last night’s show. I said Sara has the form but no content. The bitch isn’t funny. She’s ‘cute’ (its rare you find a ‘beautiful’ woman doing stand up comedy of her ‘extremes’ in the U.S.) but that’s not enough. For the kind of ‘humor’ she explores, you need disarming charm (and a fucking point). These are two qualities she lacks. Even Sandra Bernhardt had that (at least before she started singing).
After I finished my ‘assessment’, I was asked for an example. So I said I have a friend in Italy who pulled off a stunt Sara Silverman neither has the ‘charm’ nor the ‘balls’ to get away with–feeding shit to rich people in public! Gee. Sara might lick dog rectums in the safe confines of her tv show, but does she have the balls to actually go out in public and do it at a meeting of P.E.T.A. animal-lovers? I think not. The truth is commercial television is a controlled environment. The only thing Sarah Silverman is risking is losing a few corporate advertising sponsors. Whereas, in this video, its makers risk public humiliation, fines and jail time. Maybe even getting popped in the heads by security guards. Didn’t happened because of masterful guile and unquestioned charm. Like planting flowers in the rifles of National Guardsmen with itchy trigger fingers. The different between Sarah Silverman and the makers of this video is pure fucking courage. And a keen sense of what’s really at stake. A sincere sens of commitment. Beyond mealy-mouthed ‘liberal’ lip service when her publicist dictates, they only thing Silverman is committed to is a paycheck signed by her corporate advertisers.
Sara Silverman is not the point here. The real point is that this action is the funniest shit I’ve seen on both sides of the Atlantic divide in a very long time. And, unlike similar actions of the past, dependent on mainstream media outlets, the folks involved with this action had their own means of distribution. It will not go unnoticed.
So ‘pivo’, muthafuckas! Lets keep the crew behind this video alive! They some badd muthafuckas! And they keepin’ the revolutions alive for the rest of us!
Darius, you al ways supportive, thanks for your comment. Actually I don’t really think it was revolutionary, but in a way doing this video was a joyfull taking of action, against the dominating imaginery. And it worked 🙂
The terrible thing is that when the westwood had her cookie, everyone else wanted it, the cacca cookies now have their brand!